Thursday, May 20, 2010

Burlap Message Board

I have been up to my repurposing tricks again. Another ugly piece of "art" has been retired permenently and the frame given new life... This time in the form of a message board!

Inspired by blogland's obsession with burlap and chicken wire, I simply:
Removed the old art and glass from the frame.
Spray painted the frame a satin black
Using the cardboard that was in the back of the frame... I:
Cut burlap (from Hobby Lobby (Jocelyn says it is "High Quality Burlap") about an inch bigger than the cardboard
Folded it over and stapled it with a regular stapler
Used a stencil (from Hobby Lobby), a stencil brush, and black craft paint and my eyeballs to stencil the burlap... making sure that the paint was uneven. Then I:
Cut chicken wire about an inch or so bigger than the cardboard and bent it around and stapled it in place and shoved the cardboard back into the frame. Then I:
Spray painted some clothes pins black and cut some cute scrapbook paper to fit and adhered it to the pins. Then clipped them to the wire.

And here I am pinning up a picture of my daughter taken at preschool for Mother's Day. My board is temporarily hanging where it is now (on a hook that is rediculously high because it is used for seasonal decorations that are long). Please don't judge me on my ability to part my hair!!

I'm posting this to:

Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap up party!

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  1. Darling idea! I have seen hundreds of message boards made over but I think this is the most creative! I love the stencil idea and the chicken wire!

  2. What a neat message board!! The chicken wire is such a great addition to this!

  3. How creative! I LOVE you coffee filter wreath, too.

  4. Thanks for the idea! I have some chicken wire that needs some "oomph"! Now I know what to do with it!

  5. This is great! I like how even when it's empty it's still pretty with the stencil and layered texture. Good job.

  6. How cute is that!! I'd love for you to link it up

  7. Cute and practical. LOVE it!

  8. I love this project! I've yet to work with chicken wire, but I might just have to give it a shot!

    Thanks so much for stopping by to comment on my bird-themed baby shower post. I truly appreciate it!

  9. Nice project, rustic, yet classy!

  10. Very cute - I love burlap too and any way to use it - I will remember this one :)

    Found you on CSI!

  11. I love it! Super cute project.

  12. I so want to make this project!

    Thanks so much for linking up to The CSI Project's hardware Store Challenge! We hope you will come back next week for the Martha Stewart-inspired challenge -- The MS Craft Department are our guest judges!!!

