Sunday, June 13, 2010

Oh Sweet Sadie Academy!!

I recently was the lucky lucky winner of one tuition to the Oh Sweet Sadie Academy. For those of you that aren't Utah natives, Oh Sweet Sadie is just the most amazing boutique ever! Go ahead and check out their blog... Dani and Heidi are so smart and funny and in the weeks leading up to each boutique, they have the best give-aways!! Now, I won the tuition not from Oh Sweet Sadie, but from the uber-awesome photographer Becky Earl! Go on ahead and take some time to peruse her website and be inspired by her fun perspective on photography. Did you see the fashion shoot? Did you see the sock girls?? Oh My...this girl has some wicked talent!!

Here you can see all my crafting goodies that I completed! That was the best part of the academy for me; I got to hang out with cool women, not shop for any supplies, and leave with 7 completed projects!! I learned some cupcake tips straight from the Sweet Tooth Fairy herself, and made a hula-hoop, fabric flowers, mama bird pendant, tissue pom-poms, a to die for fan-fold flower, and my most favorite thing of own Black Apple doll. (btw...her site is just amazing too!! I can't wait to own some of her work!)

Here is a close up of the Mama Bird necklace! Awww...two little eggs for my two little chickies! My daughter just loves for me to wear this necklace. She is the egg that stands up a little, just so you know!

And here is a look at my sweet little Black Apple doll. Kind of hard to see in the photo, but she is wearing little polka dot stockings. I haven't show this to my daughter yet, cause it is going to be a preschool graduation present! (much to my chagrin, she will probably like it for a day, cause she isn't into anything that isn't from a video game)

And here is a close-up of my fan-fold flower. The cute gal that taught this called it something different, but I can't for the life of me think of what she called it! If you know another name for it, let me know in your comment! She was so amazing...she decorated a whole wedding with these and tissue poms...I'm sure it was the cutest wedding in the world!

Thanks again Becky, Dani and Heidi for treating me to such a great weekend!
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  1. Oh, so lucky ducky :)

  2. Hi Stephanie,

    Thanks for the nice post! It was fun to spend time with you- and all of your projects turned out amazing!

    Amanda Packham is the cute gal (you should see her naked!;)), and she calls them paper rosettes.


  3. ohh you are one lucky lady for winning all of that! i will be checking out that blog soon! thanks for visiting my blog dear! xo

  4. I'm jealous! How fun for you!!!!!! And I love your entry table... and the colors you used are adorbs! Great job!

    And yes... by good will I mean the D.I.;) I have a load of non-utahn readers. And I knew that DI wouldn't make a lick of sense. So I just figured I put good will. Ha ha... if you find another one besides DI let me know!!!
    p.s. Thanks for your continual sweet and fun comments. I get all excited when you leave one because they always make me smile!!!
