Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Halloween Hijinks Concert

This year we went to the Halloween Hijinks Concert at Abrovanel Hall. They were playing excerpts from Hansel and Gretel and it was a costume party and contest. Jane dressed in her Yoshi costume. They had a neat silhouette station.

There were so many amazing costumes there. My favorites were also the winners. Pictured here is the Beheaded Marie Antoinette and the Marionette.

And my most favorite of all, the Three Ring Circus. I just love the little girl dressed as a tight rope walker! It was a really fun night!


  1. HELLO!!! I have wanted to talk w/you forever. How are you feeling? I hope you don't mind - I'm going to add you to my blogging friends.
    Jane is seriously ADORABLE!
    keep in touch
    - tiff

  2. You are too sweet! Thanks for the post - I love hearing from you.
    So you like the whole 'damaske' look too? sophia's bedroom is like that and I wish I could decorate my whole house in it.

  3. Yay! I'm glad you guys have a blog too. So, do you know if your new baby is a boy or girl?

  4. This Yoshi costume is amazing!! I am attenpting to make on this year. Do you have any pattern suggestions for me? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Beth in Arizona

  5. My 4 year old son wants to be Yoshi for halloween. Do you still have your costume? Are you willing to sell it?

  6. Hi...where did you get the Yoshi costume?? I found one online...but yours is much cuter if I could find it.

  7. Oh my word! I had no idea that anyone was looking at my blog. I'm so sorry that I haven't been good about reading comments and responding to them. I did make the Yoshi costume myself and it was a blend of several patterns. One for the jumpsuit, one for the tail, and one for the helmet. The rest I just guessed at...and it came out great! Although my daughter did not win the costume contest!
