Saturday, January 3, 2009

Welcome Baby Teddy Truman Cameron

After being induced on December 30, 2008, Ted Truman Cameron joined us in the world! My labor was extremely easy... only 8.5 hours start to finish and 10 pushes. Ted weighed 8 pounds 2 onces (a full 2 pounds lighter than his big sister) and was born at 3:27 pm and was 19.5" long.
I was crying with joy at the arrival of my little boy. I kept saying, "I can't believe it, I can't believe it!" Our journey to have Teddy was so extremely different than the journey to having really threw me for a loop!
Little Teddy is soooo cute! Turns out he looks a lot like Jane did at birth, except for a lot trimmer! Even though Jane was 10 pounds 2 onces, we didn't think she was chubby until we compared her with Teddy. Their faces are very similar but Jane deffinitly has her mom's ears and Teddy deffinitly has his dad's.
Our nurse Cody was so nice during the whole induction including picture taking after. She held Teddy like this picture after picture trying to get one of Teddy with his eyes open. When he finally opened his eyes, he expressed his disapproval with the sweetest pout ever! So far he has been such an easy baby and so extrememly cute and sweet. Our family is so blessed to have him here!
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  1. Congratulations! Doug just barely told me that he was born yesterday. Well, he didn't tell me. I overheard him asking Kraq how you were and said, "What? She had the baby?"
    We are so happy for you guys. He is so cute. I love the pouting picture.
    I want to hear more about the Teddy story! What was different? How did you decide on the name?
    You can say none of your business if you want.

  2. YEAH! congratulations. he is seriously adorable. i am so happy for you and your family to have another addition ;)
    if you need help with anything - just remember, i am right down the road.
    love - tiff

  3. Congratulations! He is adorable! I am so glad you are both doing well! When he's a little older I want to come meet him!

  4. Ah! I can't wait to meet him. He looks a little like Jane. Hope you are well.
